Strategic Thinking

Tools & techniques to help you spark innovation, achieve better results and turn challenge into opportunity.

The World Economic Forum places Strategic Thinking in the top 3 skills for success in 2025. Yet most of us are more distracted and reactive in our thinking than ever. This session provides highly practical tools & techniques to help you increase both the quality and quantity of the strategic thinking that you do.

The virtual version of this course is 90-120 minutes & the in-person version is 3 hours.

How to apply the PESTLE and SWOT frameworks to your projects, goals and desired results.

  • Reviewing the components of both of these frameworks and understanding in which situations to use them.
  • Identifying and clarifying which components of these frameworks can be applied to your specific priorities.

Powerful questions to help you explore issues from different perspectives, identify solutions and innovate.

  • Questions to prompt “outside of the box” thinking.
  • Questions to help you approach challenges and change from a perspective of opportunity and possibility.
  • Questions to clarify career direction and development plans.
  • And a wide variety of other questions to help you apply strategic thinking to your projects and goals.

How to carve out undistracted, high quality focus time for deep work & strategic thinking.

  • Best practices to help feed your thought process.
  • How to apply real world time blocking strategies to make more time for strategic thinking. (Instead of waiting for some “free time”)
  • Practices to help us reduce distractions and bring good energy & focus to our strategic thinking time.
Doug Heidebrecht


I help teams and individuals do more with less, reduce stress and carve out more time for their true priorities.