More Control. Less Stress.

Taming the Email Monster provides individuals & teams with insight and strategies to manage their email more effectively. It goes beyond the technology to take a behaviour-based approach to email management – helping participants identify opportunities to change how they organize, send and respond to email. This program is available in a live and virtual format.

The virtual version of this course is 90-120 minutes & the in-person version is 2-3 hours.

Filtering, Sorting and filing: Keeping the Inbox Clean

  • A Four Step Process to help us filter, sort & file large volumes of email – keeping the Inbox clean and reducing overwhelm. 
  • Tracking action email so that it doesn’t slip through the cracks and we’re able to follow-up in a timely manner.
  • Learning how to use various Outlook email features.
  • Developing consistent routines for organizing email and keeping the Inbox clean.
  • Optional: Supporting compliance with corporate email retention policy

Resisting the Noise

  • Understanding the costs of over-reacting to email. (Hint: 10 IQ Points)
  • Increasing our capacity to deliver on priority A tasks and service requests by reducing time spent unnecessarily reacting to priority “b” email.
  • Reducing “MRS” – Mindless React Syndrome. Identifying and implementing productive expectations with others and ourselves.


  • Applying more thought to what we send, how we send it and who we send it to.
  • Best practices of sending email – proper subject lines, no unnecessary CC, etc. – that will save everyone time.
  • Optional: Building consensus on a corporate “Rules of Engagement” for email.
Doug Heidebrecht


I help teams and individuals do more with less, reduce stress and carve out more time for their true priorities.